Love is all there is. Love is ALL there is.
When we are mourning the loss of a loved one, it is because we loved. And we still love.
When we are mourning the loss of a relationship, it is because we loved.
When we are mourning the loss of a part of ourselves, it is because we loved.
Love is all. It is not an abstract concept, it is literally the fabric of our lives.
Our families, our friends, our partners & lovers, our beloved pets, this is what our lives are made of.
Our passions: our creativity – this is love.
In this moment in my life, I’m watching two very dear friends struggle with loss. They are grieving and in pain, and I have a tremendous amount of compassion for them. They have every right to take the time to feel their loss, and honor their loss, and mourn their loss. But I also feel that you can only lose what you have. And when there is great love, sometimes it feels like great loss. It is the flip side of the same coin.
But also love is an energy and can neither be created nor destroyed. It lives on. Life is an energy and it can neither be created nor destroyed – it simply transforms. Thich Nhat Hanh says, “A cloud never dies.” A Course in Miracles says “nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.” e.g. ; Love is all there is.
Where ever you find yourself today, focus on the love. It will fill you. It may even overflow you. And you may want to feel it’s absence acutely, but if you allow yourself… you will find how loved you truly are.